Easy Email Marketing For Music Artists – List Building 101 For Musicians

This Podcast episode is related to an article that I did previously called email marketing for musicians

I strongly recommend that any musician reading this blog post to go back and check out that posts. This article is very detailed and I go in debt on how to use email Marketing to promote your music online.

I also simplified this post by creating a 10 videos series 3 course for any musician that wants to use email Marketing to promote your music online.

Mixtape Marketing podcast episode 26.

In that course I use an email marketing tool called Aweber.Aweber is my main email Marketing software that I use in the promotion of my music online. 

I use Aweber to host the contact data of email subscribers from my blog.  Anytime I need to release a new article blog post video, I use my email list to promote any announcements. 

Now when you're listening to this podcast you're probably sceptical whether email marketing is a dead concept. Email is still one of the driving forces in marketing period!!!! If you are struggling with your music marketing I advise you to read our monster music marketing guide blog post. It's jam packed with information.!!!


Email Marketing For Musicians and How to promote music with email

Aweber.  Email Marketing software. Broadcast emails to your newsletter subscribers.  Email autoresponder series tool.

How can I use Email Marketing in my music promotion?

Once you have built an email list these are dedicated fans that have opted in to hear your marketing message.

This can include sending information about your tour, about your next show or about your blogs.

With so much of the noise that is on social media at the moment, it's much easier for you to get a dedicated response from fans via email provided that email is written from the point of view of data and musician not a marketing manager. If you are using Youtube to promote your music I recommend that you use the Tubebuddy chrome extention.


This is the main area that musicians get email marketing wrong.

Email is meant to be your communicator between you and your fans.

Yes you need email marketing when you were promoting your music and merchandise etc.

But you need to build rapport via email before you start promote any products.

The main reason why email marketing doesn't work for most musicians is because they don't build any rapport with their fans.

 They don't create any free content to engage their email lists, before you distribute your album online.

simple ways to build buzz with email.

You need to think of building a buzz when you're using an email marketing campaign in order to promote your music.

Trying to think of email marketing like the movie industry.  Before any movie is launched the marketing begins by creating buzz and drip feeding content over a large period of time.

This is easily done with very subtle bite size pieces of content.

This can include video trailers different video trailers, internet memes,  internet gif’s, animated gifs,  interviews with actors, interviews with directors, blog posts on big movie critic websites and an advertising campaign too.


The movie industry is one of the biggest examples I can give on how you build rapport with an audience.

You need to get this in your mind when you're promoting your music with email. So you should plan a date for your mixtape album single or tour.  

Once this date has been established in the future, you need to start creating and distributing content to your email subscribers.

If you don't have email subscribers yet you can still use your pre-launch content to help you build that email lists in the first place.

Examples of pre-launch can include behind the scenes videos, exclusive interviews with artists, signed copies of unreleased music,  signed posters,  training videos on how to sing how to rap how to make music.  Any content that your ideal fan will find valuable.

Examples of pre-launch content I use to promote my music with via email.

Examples of pre-launch content I use to promote my music with via email.

I am a hip hop beat maker.  I produce and make hip-hop beats.  My target audience is hip-hop artist’s.  In order to attract hip-hop artists to my website and subscribe too my newsletter,  I offer to untagged hip-hop beats. 

Most digital marketers call this email opt-in bride.

This is easiest way to get targeted email subscribers.  The hard part is that you have to come up with that op-tin bribe so that your ideal target audience will subscribe to your newsletter. 


Email For Musicians 

Facebook Live For Musicians

How email opt - in bribes work

The main thing I want you to think of when getting new fans to subscribe to your email list, is  keep the email opt in bribe very close to watch your promoting.

For example, when you're promoting your album, try using an acoustic version of one of the songs as the optin-bribe.

You can also use discounts to your band's live shows.

I've seen musicians in the past try to get away material things like iPods iPads ETC in order to lure people to sign up for their email list.

This is a bad idea because you're not hyper targeting your fans.  Your email lists will be full of people that have no interest in your music and have no interest in purchasing your merchandise or tour tickets.

Order to learn more about email marketing for musicians please feel free to click this link.

It will take you to that block posted where I talk about email Marketing for musicians plus you can also take the video course where I go through in very great detail on how I use Aweber to create an email newsletter and promote my music online.

Email Marketing For Musicians and How to promote music with email

Aweber.  Email Marketing software. Broadcast emails to your newsletter subscribers.  Email autoresponder series tool.

canva graphic design

Canva is my go to graphic design tool to help promote my music on my live events. 

IFTTT.  Social automation tool {FREE} 


I F T T T stands for if this then that. This is a free automation tool that links all your social media channels together even your blog even your own YouTube channel via RSS.

So whenever you upload videos to Facebook you can get them to tweet it out on Twitter. If you share photos on Facebook you can also add them to Instagram, if you post a new video you can automatically share it on your blog and you're blog can then automatically tweet that message.

This is the type of automation that you need to start setting up in your music marketing efforts. This will in turns start saving you a ton of time from doing grunt work that musicians shouldn't do.

Again this is another free tool for musicians to use.

Tubebuddy removes a ton of grunt work associated with optimising your YouTube channel also has additional features to help lighten the workload with YouTube. 

tubebuddy for youtube

The last free tool I'm going to mention to help you promote your music videos on YouTube is that of Tube buddy.

Tube buddy helps you optimise your YouTube videos for YouTube search. Helping you create tags so that your videos will be found in YouTube search.

You bulk update your YouTube end screens and your YouTube cards also you can save templates of descriptions cards and end screens this is an absolute godsend because you can quickly use your existing videos to promote any new videos that you produce.

There's a video here to show exactly how to use Tube buddy in your music video promotion. 

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About the author 

Daniel Hartnett The Corporatethief Beats

Hi I am Daniel Hartnett the producer behind this blog. If you have any questions about my site or the content found on my blog please feel free to hit that contact button at the top of my site.

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