Looking To Buy Rap Beats?

It's super easy for you to get started with your music career. Don't you think today is the right time to act? How many times can you really fool yourself by starting tomorrow?

The Commercial Hooks Pack
& Unlimited Distribution Rights

Commercial Hooks Beat Pack 1
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symphonic distribution music

What People Have To Say About The Corporatethief Beats

Welcome To 

The Corporatethief Beats

My blog is here to help you find high quality Rap beats and share my 
music marketing advice with my audience. Here's how to get started:

New? Start Here!

Here is a curated section of my best music marketing articles. If you're not sure where to get started with your music promotion, this is the place to start.

Listen to MY beats

Looking To Buy Rap Beats For Your Mixtapes Or Albums ?

Check Out Our Latest Instrumentals That We Have Recently Added To
The Corporatethief Beat Site.

My Recommended Tools

In order to get the most effective music marketing strategy, you need the tools to help you. Here is a specific list of tools I use to build my following and promote my music.


How To Purchase Rap Beats From The Player

Discover Our Latest Instrumentals
& Music Marketing Articles 

Find current tried and tested methods of music promotion to incorporate
in to your music marketing strategy.

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My Background....

My starting point in professional music production stated at Galway Technical Institute where I studied live sound engineering and music production. Here I got my first taste of Logic Pro X which I now use for 95% of the Rap beats I produce. After that, I continued my music production education at The Academy of Sound Dublin where I graduated with Higher Diploma in Music Production and Sound Engineering. I started The Corporatethief Beats website back in 2010 to showcase my beats and my music marketing advice. You can also find type instrumental beats that have a similar sound to a particular artist like Drake, Rick Ross, J Cole, Kid CuDi and More.

The Corporatethief Beats

Beat Maker, Audio Engineer, Music Marketing Blogger

Some of our more important pages on our beat website include our most popular beats that have hooks and our trap instrumental beats.

If you are struggling to understand the terminology for music licensing you can check our guide on how the leasing rap beats works here. Our team has also put together a comprehensive guide on music distribution
 websites here.

Download The Commercial Hooks Pack

It's time for you to get your music heard. Once you subscribe you'll get instant access to amazing resources to help with your music marketing. 

My Core Resources

Some of the links below are referral links , at no extra cost to you I will earn a small commission if you decide to purchase these products. Since I have used all of these products online for my own websites I have confidence in my recommendation based on my own experience with these companies. If you do go through my referral link thanks for your support.

The Corporatethief Beats 2

High Quality Rap Beats With Competitive Prices

Looking For Rap Beats With Competitive Prices. Here At The Corporatethief Beats you can purchase high quality instrumentals in many hip hop genres. 

With over 250+ tracks  in our catalogue some included Trap & New school, abstract and storytelling beats. Right now our Rap Instrumental Packs are popular.

All the lease rights terms and instructions on how to purchase a lease license are under the beat store player.

If you have any additional questions about purchasing rap beats from our website please feel free to use the contact button at the top right hand corner of the website.

Common FAQ's

What Do I Get For An Mp3 Non-Exclusive Lease ?

The Mp3 non-exclusive lease includes and MP3 of the beat that you have selected at the discount provided above. This lease license gives you gives you the following benefits when you buy hip hop beats here.

– MP3 File Only
– 2000 Distribution Units 
– 100% royalty Free

– Use The Beat For Mixtapes, Albums , Singles
– Sell your song on Amazon , Spotify , Itunes & CD Baby
- Lease License at Current Discount

Beat Leases Explained Mp3 Lease

What Do I Get For A Platinum Non-Exclusive Lease?

The Platinum non-exclusive lease includes and MP3 & The HQ Wav file a& the tracked out wav files that I use to make each beat. This lease license gives you gives you the following benefits.

Note:That Platinum Lease is still a Non-Exclusive Rights Contract, if you specifically looking for Exclusive Rights please contact me Dan@thecorporatethiefbeats.com

Platinum rap beat Lease

 MP3 File & HQ Wav Of Selected Beat
- Individual Tracked Out Files Of Selected Beat 

Processed Files {My Mix} 
Un-processed Files {No Mix Just Raw Files}

– 10,000 Copies Distribution Rights 
– 100% royalty Free
Instant delivery of Tracked Out Wav files

– Use The Beat For Mixtapes, Live Shows , Albums , Singles
- Lease License at Current Discount


An Unlimited Beat Lease is still like renting the instrumental from the music producer but with unlimited distribution rights for a certain period of Time? This is the fourth tier in the online beat leasing industry. More of a modern lease license. Again like that of the platinum tracked out lease license it is predominantly popular with record labels, rap artist with a large audience and bigger budgets.

It gives the artist similar freedoms over the control of the instrumental where the artist receives the Mp3, HQ Wav File and The Tracked Out Stems. The Terms of The Unlimited Lease License? This varies from producer to producer. Please make sure that you read every word of each producer lease terms before you purchase any beats from any producer online. Don't assume anything.

This is for your own benefit. The more common terms include in the tracked out lease rights agreement includes one commercial recording, distribution rights up to Unlimited copies, 100% royalty-free music, Unlimited paid performances, the use in Unlimited music videos the beat is untagged, Unlimited Broadcasting, Unlimited audio streams Amazon, Spotify, Itunes.


These are the original stems that were used by The Corporatethief Beats to make the beat.These are usually requested by the artist’s sound engineer to tailor the mix to the artist. These files include the Wav files of the Kick , snare , high hats , perks , loops , etc.

What Do I Get For A Premium Non-Exclusive Lease ?

The Premium non-exclusive lease includes and MP3 & The HQ Wav file of the beat that you have selected at the discount provided above. This lease license gives you gives you the following benefits.

– MP3 File & HQ Wav Of Selected Beat
– 5000 Distribution Units
– 100% royalty Free
-Instant Delivery

– Use The Beat For Mixtapes, Live Shows , Albums , Singles

– Sell your song on Amazon , Spotify , Itunes & CD Baby
- Lease License at Current Discount

premium rap beat lease

Do I Get A Rap Beat Lease Contract ?

Yes! You, Will, Receive A Lease PDF Lease Rights Contract That Is Time Stamped With The Beat That You Have Purchased. I Would Advise That You Read Through All Of The Rap Beat Lease Rights Contracts Before You Purchase Any Instrumentals.


Yes I do. Exclusive Rights beats vary beat to beat based on the popularity of beat and promotional value that beat has brought to my website.

If you want Exclusive Rights contact me dan@thecorporatethiefbeats.com


For the Mp3 & HQ Wav file the download links will be sent to the email address that you purchased the beats Instantly. 

Always Check Your Spam Folder In Your Email Provider ?


I don’t create sample based beats anymore,
due to the promotion restrictions online and online and copy write issues.

All the beats on The Corporatethief Beats player are 100% sample free. Any sounds that sound like samples were created by The Corporatethief Beats with Logic Pro X.


Yes! All vocal tags in the beats are removed after purchase. The vocal tags are there to prevent unlawful use of my music. 


Yes! These tracks Are 100% Royalty-Free. Each Beat Lease License Contains Specific Terms and Conditions. Please Choose The Appropriate Lease License Suited To Your Needs.

buy rap beats from the corporatethief beats site
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