Confidence For Musicians Dealing With Procrastination And The Gullible Musician MMP22

How To Start A Website

start a wordpress website

This is one of the first music marketing strategies for rappers. Having your own website is like building your own home.

A Website Is Basecamp.Yes, you will need social networking websites to help promote your music as well.

But I fear that too many rappers abandon their own websites because social networking websites appear FREE.

You don’t own or control your Facebook Page.

It belongs to Facebook.You are just allowed to use your Facebook page. Myspace is always the example people use to prove that Social Networking Sites can lose their appeal.

This episode is going to be all about the musician mindset, the gullible musician, and how procrastination can really hurt your progression in your music career.

As musicians mindset is vital to our success. Without a good mindset, we will never be the musicians that we actually expire too. So this doesn't matter If you want to be a rapper beat maker or if you just want to be in a band you need a good mindset.

At the start of this year, I was getting a ton of emails saying that they want to start a new resolution.

There's no harm in having goals.

But I feel that as musicians we need to think smarter than just placing goals and having New Year resolutions.Sometimes when we create very big goals, we do this as ambitious musicians.

This can really hinder any progression with that long term goal that we want to achieve.

Our goals can be unrealistic at times. Based on the path that we are in our current state in our music careers.

Every musician struggles with procrastination and every musician struggles with achieving their goals.I am no exception to this rule.

Creating a confident mindset to create music?

building confidence as a musician

Rather than listing out unrealistic goals and setting yourself up for procrastination, it's better to start developing good habits and creating a stoic mindset.

A stoic mindset is where you deal with the Here and Now.

When you develop good habits and you incorporate those good habits into your daily routine, you only deal with the challenges that face you in that moment.

This keeps you need a mindset of achievable tasks, which will leads to that long term goal.

This way you won't become over whelmed by that long term goal.Creating short term goals and realistic targets to your daily routine is much more achievable.

Certain short term targets can include creating a blog/vlog around your music, emailing your fans and your newsletter, finding out concepts for songs, finding new beats to rap over and continuing to educate yourself on your craft.

How to develop good habits as musicians?

developing good habits for musicians

Yes, it is important to have a target to achieve in your music career.From my experience, it can be very overwhelming when you create too many tasks to do by yourself.

The way I get around this is by completing one task every day.

This could include creating a marketing video for my YouTube channel and then creating micro videos for all the social networking sites in order to promote that video.

This way I've set up an achievable daily goal but I'm also creating good habits which will allow me to achieve that long-term goal in the future.

Another daily habit, I do sometimes is that before I create any music I listen back to the music that I've created already.

As musicians, we tend to suffer from doubt from time to time.But when I listen back to the music I've created to this point, it puts me in a very good mood and in a more creative mindset to make new music in the future.

I also look for inspiration from other beatmakers of around me and the musicians that are in the music industry in hip hop now.

This includes watching other beat makers, beat making videos, how industry artist make theirs or how rappers wrote their music.

If I dive directly into creating music without building up my mindset first I get lost in the overwhelming of the music creation process.

This is why it's vital for musicians to build that mindset in the first place before they start creating anything.Eventually, my small habits that I do daily join together and help me achieve that long-term goal.

To be a successful musician you need to be an informed musician. #mixtape #hiphop

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Have musicians become gullible?

A while back I got this email from a website stating that my youtube fans have voted for my YouTube channel as the best of YouTube 2017.

Naturally, my skepticism triggered my spidey sense.

So I clicked through to this link Just to see what was on the inside.This website offered to feature my YouTube channel as a best of YouTube 2017 but in order to participate in this competition, I needed to login via Facebook.I knew I was right to be cautious.

The website was very basic WordPress with Template but it did seem to have some activity on it.

So I decided to investigate a little bit more.

During my research, I noticed them more than one artist had become best of YouTube 2017 and could also be featured on this website.

Also, I did a little bit of background digging using my spy tools, I noticed that the search traffic for this site was poor.

But still tons of musicians were posting this social media.So basically all these musicians were so excited that someone took notice of their music, they basically signed up for this website via Facebook, and then shared that website on social media.

I don't think the intentions of that website owner or malicious I think genuinely that they were trying to do some good but offering some service to these musicians.

But this website was just creating traffic by having other musicians share it.

Sadly the website has very little to offer in the first place.these musicians are either gullible or narcissistic not to do any research before they decided to share this website or participate in this competition.

All of these musicians on social media at promoting as the Same title that was sent to me via email best of YouTube 2017.None of these musicians did any research see if this site had any traffic or was even worth your time getting post it on.

The title that was sent to me via email was best of YouTube 2017.

None of these musicians did any research see if this site had any traffic or was even worth their time getting post it on.

Yes, it's nice to be yes it's nice to get recognition as a musician. but I feel that musicians are easily duped and can fall into traps of n websites that can't offer any promotional value and just be a waste of time in the first place.

be an informed musician. don't follow the crowd do your research !!! 

gullible musicians

So what I want you to take from this is, don't be a gullible musician.

Do your research on any site that's giving you promotional value. Some sites claiming that they can give you Twitter promotion a Blog promotion blog placements and mixtape slots.unless these websites can prove any results with real statistics stay away from these sites.

I continued to investigate this website and found out later that once you signed up I just try and sell you specific placements parts for small money on this website that doesn't really give you any traffic or real fans there just other musicians looking for the same service.

To be a successful musician you need to be an informed musician.

You cannot go around your music career thinking that every blog or opportunity is legit.

Don't pay any websites unless they can prove results that they claim.

Anyone can set up a website tomorrow and put your music on itThis does not mean that you will get any results from it.

how can perfectionism kill your music career?

perfectionism in music

This is something that I really struggled with as a beat maker and as a songwriter too.

As musicians, if we don't achieve perfection with the music that we create we end up procrastinating and never releasing any music.

This going to stop you being passionate about the things that you love about music and the creative process of making music.

You might be familiar with these common excuses that musicians make to procrastinate releasing any music.

  • It's not mixed right yet.
  • Do I need to rewrite the Hook?
  • I don't have enough followers yet to release it?
  • I don't have enough subscribers to release any music right now.It's not catchy enough.
  • Nobody listened to my last track what's the point of releasing a new one.
  • I need to wait until I make a music video.

Daniel Hartnett The Corporatethief Beats

This is the common procrastination mindset that musicians face when they come across the perfectionist mindset killer.

You can not let yourself fall victim to perfectionism.

A good way to get out of this is the stoic of mindset.

This is what you just deal with the task at hand and forget about a long-term goal.Just like when I mentioned at the start of This podcast.

This good quote To Remember “The way leads the way”

Sure and musicians were going to get negative feedback in our music.

Some people will just not like what we've created.

As musicians, we need to take a look at those people that do like what music we have created.I am not immune to negative feedback about my music or beats.

But what I do when I get negative feedback I look for constructive criticism, and I also take a look at the good comments that I get from the people that listen to my hip hop beats.

Think of it this way.

If I make one rap beat, and then one hip hop artists downloads that beat from me anywhere in the world, I have changed that person's life in that moment of time.

With this one beat that I've created, I have changed how the that person's day.When that person creates a good song from that beat I have filled that moment in that person's life with joy and inspiration.

Having this influence is very rewarding for me.the fact that I created something here in the UK and changed the direction of someone else's life, without ever having to speak to that person is simply amazing.

Rap Beat Maker The Corporatethief Beats

For example,The reason I got into beat making was that of a friend of mine in college.He was hugely influenced by hip-hop music.At that time I had no interest in hip hop music.

He gave me a loan of his laptop and gave me the basic's on how to create hip hop beats.I was hooked.

This friend of mine changed the whole direction of my life. I ended up going to music production college and then created a website then learned about music marketing.You can see how powerful music can be.

confident musicians kid cudi and kanye west

How you can change the direction of someone else's life by what you create.Another great example is to look at it this way, if Kanye was never influenced by NOID we would have never had College Dropout.

If Kanye West never made College Dropout you will never influence Kid Cudi, and then in turn Kid Cudi wouldn't have influenced people like me and you?

It's clear to see the flow of energy in the music that we test the water with your music have a small section of your fans and if you're in town for the music that you created asking for constructive feedback.

There's nothing wrong with testing the water.

But at the end of the day, you need to tell yourself when something is done.

Otherwise, you will be continually crippled by procrastination and the perfectionist's mindset killer.

These are just a handful of tools I use to help with my music promotion online. Check out my link to my resource list below. 

Daniel Hartnett
The Corporatethief Beats 

If you subscribe to my blog I give all my subscribers my hip hop blogs cheat sheet which is a list of 700+ rap blogs.

This list has detailed information on rap blogs and the links to their social profiles.

This is one of my golden nuggets that I give out my blog to my subscribers. I can be very hard grunt work trying to do all of this on your own.

So I would strong urge musicians to get help with any influencer outreach.

Not every music blogger is going to reach out with open arms even if you follow the rules.

Plus most musicians will take it to heart when they are ignored or turned down.

This is the main reason I urge you to hire help with influencer out in your music marketing efforts on Twitter.

Hiring short term help from sites like Upwork and Freelancer or, you will gain that person's outreach experience, and they don’t have any emotional attachment to the music.

So they will just move on until the find influential music bloggers on Twitter that will work with you.
These include trying to network with the big rap music blog’s like 2 Dope Boyz, Uproxx, DJ Booth, Stop The Breaks and DIY CD Baby.


Also make sure that you check out the Twitter music marketing machines course and the free Twitter music marketing course to help you find the right tools to help with your music promotion on Twitter.

Twitter Music Marketing Machines 2.0

We've recorded an 8 Day video series that is available exclusively to my subscribers - you can sign up right here to get instant access. Plus,

Each day for 8 days I will send you a new video via Email with tips and tricks to help you grow your Twitter Fan base and promote your music with Twitter.

Daniel Hartnett - Rap Music Producer copy

About the author 

Daniel Hartnett The Corporatethief Beats

Hi I am Daniel Hartnett the producer behind this blog. If you have any questions about my site or the content found on my blog please feel free to hit that contact button at the top of my site.

My Core Resources

Some of the links below are referral links , at no extra cost to you I will earn a small commission if you decide to purchase these products. Since I have used all of these products online for my own websites I have confidence in my recommendation based on my own experience with these companies. If you do go through my referral link thanks for your support.


Bluehost Web Hosting Company


Aweber Email Marketing Software

Aitbit Beat Player


Beat Player I Use