There are No Shortcuts In SongWriting {Except This}

This Short Video & Reveals
How You Can "Get 150+ Beats With Unlimited Lease Rights
Without Spending 1000's of Dollars In The Process"

Unlimited XL Beat Pack 1

I Bet You Are Tired of Paying $100's For
Just 1 or 2 Basic Mp3 Beat Lease?
Are you ready to make hit records without breaking the bank? Now Is Your Perfect Chance To Get Started..

↓↓Click This Dropdown Menu To Preview To The Beats From The Pack↓↓

Here's What People Say About
The Corporatethief Beats

BURN // Hip Hop Artist 

No Doubt These beat packages and the bonus video course are unbelievable"

MarjorieW // Singer Song Writer

Hi Dan ... You're amazing. I got everything. May God bless all of your business efforts!

3ek  //  Hip Hop Artist

"Im glad I found you,hardest producer I found on YouTube,respect"

"Most Musicians Are So AFRAID OF FAILURE That They Never Even Bother To Try"

Are you one of these musicians?

So Trapped in the State of Fear that you never truly take a proper crack at it. You might be thinking that's blatantly obvious, but wait, listen to this... 

Most musicians won't be successful.

I used to just think musicians were lazy or lacked discipline.

I needed to understand the FEAR from their side.

To dive right into what is the root cause of their fears.

After speaking with many artists, over the years I found out what the real problem is with musicians that procrastinate.

It wasn't that they were lazy, it was because 
if they didn't even try to create any music, 

Most musicians never end up trying because if they don't even try ONCE they feel that they never failed.

They can still call themselves, a musician, a rapper, a beatmaker, a songwriter without putting in the work to see success.

Our brain is designed to protect us from fear and failure. That failure is too much of a risk to take than achieving our goals as musicians. FAILURE IS A PART OF THE PROCESS.

I'm not perfect. I have been there too and bought the T-Shirt. 

That's why today I force myself to make beats, music courses and videos.

I don't wake up every day with a positive mindset. Creating music is hard.

I have days where I feel I am gods gift to making music and I have days where I feel I am worthless. 

But when I do have those dark moments I look for motivation from inspirational sources.

I also look at area where I can invest both money and time in advancing my music production business. This includes courses both music marketing & music creation.

There are No Shortcuts In SongWriting {Except This...}

Ok so I bet this has happened to you... As a rapper or singer, you've gone online to find hip hop beats for your mixtape, album or single..... 

Only to find that 95% of the best selling websites are charging between......

$50 - $100 for JUST 1 Basic Mp3 Beat Lease...

Later you start think about it..

That's a lot of money for any up and coming hip hop artists to fork out, right at the beginning of your music career.

Don't you think...

What If I Pick The WRONG Beats?
What If I Buy Beats I Don't End Up Using?
What If I Need The Tracked Out Files To Change The Song Structure?
What's The Difference Between A Basic Lease & Tracked Out Lease?
How Am I Going To Pay For This Album?
If I Spend All My Budget On Beats What Will I Have Left Over To Promote My Project.

"As you scroll through that music producers beat store, the number of beats and the combined cost all the beats you like starts to dawn on you."

Are music producers and Beat Makers making leasing beats far too complicated? 

Do you feel that music producers charge far too much for their beats?

Did you know that the
average beat website has 4 - 5 different types of beat lease licenses?

It's no wonder that rappers and singers are getting confused..... 

And if you want complete creative control and have the ability for financial gain, more often than not, you will need the unlimited lease license.

But the problem with Unlimited lease licenses on the majority of beat selling websites is that the beats are priced between $70 - $299...

"Yes! That's Just for 1 Beat....."

Which Means If You Want To Start An Album With 10 - 15 Songs, You’re Going To Spend Between $500 - $1000 on Beats Alone? 

Over the past few months, I have spoken to several artists that purchase beats online. Here's what I found out....

  • The simple fact is that up and coming rap artists Don't have Hundreds Of Dollars To Spend On Beats 
  • Artists are overwhelmed by the number of beats they find on beat stores.
  • They Don’t Know Which Beats To Pick, And This Overwhelm Leads To Inaction.
  • Music Producers Have Too Many Tiered Lease Licenses.

The Majority Of Rap Artists & Singers That Buy Beats Don't Understand What They Are Paying For. 

After experimenting price points for years, these beat packs seem to resonate with the hip hop artists that purchased beats from my website. 

I Decided To Change 3 Of The Biggest Barriers For Leasing Beats On My Website. 

Price, Convenience And Choice......

"Rappers And Singers Needed A Simple Solution For Purchasing Beats Online…."

  • ...To Access Beats That Are More Affordable
  • ...A Beat Pack That Provides More Value 
  • ...A Beat Pack With 1 Clear Unlimited License
  • ....A Beat Pack That Removed All The Limitations For Creativity And Financial Gain
  • ...Unlimited Distribution Rights So You Keep 100% Of Your Profits and Your Song Royalties.

"And The Good News For
You Is…."

"That’s Exactly What My
Unlimited XL Beat Pack Does"

↓↓Click This Dropdown Menu To Preview To The Beats From The Pack↓↓

Your Limited Time Offer Includes...

150 HQ Beats With Unlimited Lease Rights  

"The TRUTH about How To Make Hit Records...
Even if You Think You Can't Afford It!

[27x150 Total Value = $4050]
Yours Today $97!

↓↓Click This Dropdown Menu To Preview To The Beats From The Pack↓↓

150 Pro-Mixed Beats Produced by Producer The Corporatethief Beats. In the styles of Trap, R&B, Hip Hop, Pop & More!

  • Unlimited Lease License (Sell unlimited units, get unlimited MONETIZED video/audio streams) normally $27.95 EACH
  • All Completely Untagged There are no vocal tags anywhere on the beats.
  • All Beats Are 100% Royalty Free Beats. Pay No Royalties! You keep 100% off all your profits and royalties and your own Publishing!. Contract Included.
  • High Quality MP3s & WAVs High Quality MP3s & WAVs You will receive 24 bit pro-mixed WAV and MP3 Files for each beat.
  • Monetize Your Streams Sell Your Songs On All The Major Streaming Websites Like Amazon, Google Play, Spotify and iTunes.

Claim Your UNLIMITED XL Beat Pack Now and 
Get These FREE Bonuses!

My Twitter Music Marketing Machines 
2.0 Video Course

"Turn Your Twitter Profile Into 
A Music Marketing Machine"

[Total Value = $97]
Yours Today FREE!

Twitter Music Marketing Machines 2.0 Video Course

This is one of my flagship music marketing courses. Here I provide you with 30 videos on how to put Twitter to work for you and your music.

  • Build A Real Twitter Following, Create Automation Systems With Twitter Tools and Promote Your Music.
  • Setting Up Strategies For The Twitter Music Marketing Machine. AKA the Popular Content Hijack Method. Here In This Video I Show You How To Use A Special Tool That I Personally Use In My Every Day Music Marketing.
  • Powerful Syndication methods that allow you to set and forget.
  • How To Use Twitter Ads To Get Followers
  • How To Set Up and Promote your music with twitter Ads
  • The Music Marketing Machine Advanced Twitter Automation Strategies Here we link everything together so that you can piggyback off the most popular content on the internet and still get your message { Call To Action } pops up on any website you share online.
  • Content Creation Tips & and How To Curate Content For Your Profile
  • How To use OBS & Twitter Live To Show Case Both Live and Pre recorded Content

Instagram Hacks eBook & Video Course

"Find The Best Instagram Hacks & Tools To Help Growth Hack Your Music Career"

[Total Value = $97]
Yours Today FREE!

Instagram Hacks video tutorial

Learn Over the shoulder aMAZING Instagram Tools, Tips and Hacks. Here I provide you with 15 videos on how to put Instagram to work for you and your music.

  • Learn How To Promote Your Music Organically On Instagram
  • Content Creation Methods Tools Need and How To Use Them 
  • Powerful Instagram Scheduling Tools & Chrome App Extensions 
  • How To Use Instagram Ads To Get Followers
  • How To Set Up and Promote your music with Instagram Ads 
  • Outsourcing Engaging Lyrical Videos
  • Content Creation Tips & and How To Curate Content For Your Profile
  • How To use OBS & Instagram Live To Show Case Both Live and Pre recorded Content.
  • Cloud Based Video Editing Tools For Specific Content Formats 

My Music Marketing Blueprint eBook

"A Musicians Battle Plan For 
Music Marketing Online"

[Total Value = $27]
Yours Today FREE!


How Do I Market My Music Music Online? Simple Answer:
Build Your Own Website! One of the most common problems with musicians marketing their music online is that they never build a base camp.

  • Building Base Camp Not Band Camp Website Creation Phase 
  • Email Marketing 101 for Musicians
  • The Fundamentals : What Every Musician Should Do That Never Does!
  • What Are PRO's , SoundExchange , Songtrust , Music Reports & Distribution Companies?
  • Social Media & Branding
  •  Montisation methods 
  • Promoting Your Music With Social Media Organically
  • Promoting Your Music With Social Media With Paid Ads
  •  Out sourcing Content Creation
  • Out sourcing Mundane Time Consuming tasks

Your Definitive YouTube Guide
By Carlin Hines

"Learn How To Get Your First
1 Million Views On YouTube"

[Total Value = $97]
Yours Today FREE!

Want to Grow Extremely Fast on YouTube?
I've Team up with Carlin Hines aka busy Works Beats To Give You a course guiding you through the steps of earning your First Million Views.

You Will Learn How to:

  • Gain Your First 10,000 Subscribers
  • Gain Your First 1,000,000 Views
  • Earn Real Money on YouTube How To Tap into the Infinite Gold Rush of Views
  • Key Performance Indicators of YouTube
  • Traffic Generation Tips For YouTube
  •  Content Creation For YouTube
  • Understanding Your Audience & How To Serve Them
  • Social Media & Branding
  •  Other Montization methods Than Adsense 
  •  Out sourcing Content Creation

10 Beats & Hooks From
Legion Beats/Anno Domini Beats

"Want To Get A More
Bang For Your BUCK?"

[Total Value = $500]
Yours Today FREE!

Want To Get More Bang For Your BUCK?
I've Team up with The lEGENDARY Production Duo Anno Domini & Legion Beats To Give You 10 hQ Beats With Hooks & Lease Rights.

  • Get 10 HQ Beats & Hooks From Legion Beats/Anno Domini Beats
  • aLL 10 Beats Are Completely Untagged
  • Get The Lease Rights Contract with All 10 Beats
  • Use These Beats For Mixtapes, albums and Singles
  •  100% Royalty Free Beats  

Get All This For FREE When You Order Your UNLIMITED XL Beat Pack Today!

Here's What People Say About
The Corporatethief Beats

 Tony F // YouTuber // Rapper 

"Great stuff Dan, one of the most informative and easy to follow videos I've come across on these subject. Thumbs up dude!"

Cash  S.  // Rapper / Song Writer

Yo TCB, listening to these beats I Love it.... U have given great advice over the years that has been really beneficial to me. As a producer and an artist, I thank you.

Big C  // Rapper / Song Writer

"Big fan of yours man... downloaded your mixtape back in 2014 and liked your beats ever since

Behind The Beats :
Daniel Hartnett AKA

The Corporatethief Beats

The Corporatethief Beats is the production alias used by Daniel Hartnett. Daniel is a hip hop music producer from IrelandOver the last number of years I have taken my music production skills to another level by leasing my beats online while sharing my music marketing experience with my blog readers.

The main goal of blog is to be a resource site for Rap Artists and Beat Makers that are beginning with their music marketing journey online. 

Academy Of Sound

After some time creating hip hop beats I enrolled in the Galway Technical Institute to study Music Technology.  

Once I finished this course, I moved to Dublin to attend The Academy of Sound to study music production and sound engineering. 

Here I learned how to work in a studio, using Logic Pro / Pro Tools and analog equipment. 
In 2015 I Completed a 4 year Higher Diploma at The Academy of Sound Dublin.

As Featured On....

symphonic distribution music
diy musician cd baby


Frankly I Don't Blame You For Being A Little Bit Skeptical

I understand that I am Over Delivering by 10x more than the value of the $97 cost price. 

But I am pretty confident that if I provide you with all this great content at this tiny investment cost, you'll continue to purchase all of my courses in the future. 

I understand that my content will help the NEXT MUSICIAN, rapper and content creator.  

That if you succeed now, I'll have a customer for life....

If I did offer the complete back for free, I am pretty confident that very few people WOULDN'T USE ANY of the Beats in the pack

More than likely it would grow digital dust on your hard drive or desktop only to be forgotten. Wasting both my time and your time in the process.

The main reason I priced it at $97 is down to the fact that your investment shows your Dedication, Commitment and the Fulfilment of NOT ONLY to the beats and content I made, but to Your Own Success

The fact that you are willing to INVEST $97 for The Unlimited XL Beat Pack proves to me that you will carry out all of the use the beats & the content I have given you. 

People like you are the best type of customer. And I find it very rewarding to help people like you grow your own business. 

No matter what type of niche it's in... 

You could be a YouTuber, Podcaster, Rapper, Singer, Beat Maker, a Band or a Content Creator. It simply doesn't matter.

This Offer Is Proven To Work For All Types Of Businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

↓↓Click This Dropdown Menu To Preview To The Beats From The Pack↓↓

How Long Does It Take To Get My Beats ?

Is This A Monthly Subscription ?

Why Such A Short Limited Time Only Period?

Do You Remove The Vocal Tags After I Buy Rap Beats From Your Site?

How Big Is This Download File?

How Long Do You Store My Rap Beats ?

If I Buy This Rap Beat Pack Can I Sell My Song On iTunes, Amazon and Spotify? 

I Just Bought The Hip Hop Beat Vault Where Do I Find My Beats?

Simplifying The Process Of Purchasing Beats Online

If you have scrolled through this page and totalled everything that’s included in The UNLIMITED XL Beat Pack the face value of everything included is $4050.00...

But don't worry you're not going to pay anywhere near that...

No, Not even $500.000

No, Not even $250.000

No, Not even $100.000

When you sign up for The UNLIMITED XL Beat Pack for Just $97 you get all hip hop beats and the courses, all the extremely useful bonuses, without having to spend any extra time OR a ton of money!

Just imagine how much you’d be losing by NOT having all of this amazing content. I have made it super easy for you to get started with your music career.

1 Convenient price and 1 Unlimited Lease License and the additional support of the music marketing courses to help guide your music promotion.

Don't you think today is the right time to act?

How many times can you really fool yourself by starting tomorrow?

Now, because this is the first time I’m offering this, for the next few days, until the timer hits ZERO.

After the timer hits ZERO, you'll have to purchase all the beats and courses individually, and you’ll lose the bonuses!




Twitter Music Marketing Machines 2.0 Video Course [Normally ($47 Value) - Yours FREE!]

Twitter Music Marketing Machines 2.0 Video Course

Music Marketing Blue Print eBook


10 Beats And Hooks By Anno Domini / Legion  Beats  [Normally ($500 Value) - Yours FREE!]

Rap Writer Block Video Course [Normally ($47 Value) - Yours FREE!]

Instagram Hacks video tutorial

Your First 1 Million Views {YouTube Video Course By Carlin Hines}[Normally ($97 Value) - Yours FREE!]

Rap Writer's Block Video Course
[Value($97 Value) - Yours FREE!]

rap writer's block

[Normally $4050/ total value]

ALL Yours For 1 Payment Of $97

*Note: this offer is only available for a very limited time. Get your copy today, to ensure that you don’t miss out!

Your purchase is risk-free thanks to our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Secure, fully encrypted payment, to ensure your data privacy and online safety.

Pay with convenience using Visa, MasterCard, American Express or your PayPal account.

Order Summary SubtotalTotal Installment PaymentsInitial Payment TotalTotal Due TodaySubtotalTrialAmount Due
Contact Information Purchase

To get instant access to the BEAT, just fill out the form below when it appears. After your purchase is complete, you'll be given access to our Private Members Area where the entire beat pack and all the bonuses will be instantly available. I'll see you inside!

Need help signing up? Email

buy rap beats from the corporatethief beats site

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