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How These Bare-Bones Auto Blogs
Generated Over ,3 372 Leads For Us... &
8k Monthly Visits To My Music Websites.
My Secret Traffic Generation Formula On How To Promote Your music or Content With Auto Blogs
Perfect For: Music Promotion , Selling Beats, List Building, Building Social Followers, Content Creators.
What People Say About Our Content
What Is An Auto Blog?
And How Can I Use auto blogs to promote my content?
Dan Hartnett - Aka The Corporatethief Beats
One of the biggest obstacles that musicians & content creators will face is traffic generation.
Most beginners won't be able to generate enough traffic {people} to come to their websites, watch their videos and ultimately purchase their music.
"This was a huge obstacle I struggled with for years. No matter how many videos I made or blogs I made it just didn't generate enough traffic."
The reason I want to show it to you is because I want you to learn from it so you can use it to promote your content online.
In order to make my music promotion efforts more efficient I came up with Twitter Music Marketing Machines 2.0.
This started the ball rolling and soon I was getting a lot more visitors to my site.
This was where I figured out how to use iFrame short links to curate popular content online and showcase my content right next to it...
But I didn't stop there...
My one problem with TMM2.0 is that Twitter is not my website.
Twitter could change the rules at any time.
While I was getting nice traffic from Twitter and other Social Networking sites using this method I was still leaving a ton of traffic on Twitter.
So I Pushed Even Further!
I don't know if you remember this, but at the time News Curation Websites were popping up everywhere. Social Media made it super easy to share popular content online.
Sites like Dig, Reddit, Buzz Feed, StumbleUpon and many others were getting massive amounts of Traffic from User Generated Curated Content.
I particularly noticed the rise of automated news creation sites.
Sites like and helped users create their curated news feed to share with their users...
I used some of my SEO spy tools to see what the traffic stats of these pages and what I saw shocked me.....
I couldn't believe my eyes.... The numbers were insane...
These CURATED News Sites were getting MASSIVE Traffic Numbers...
And the crazy thing about all of this was that none of the content was original.

Curated Content is where you gather information and share it with a new audience. While you aren't the creator of the content you are their curator of said content.
Example: If I find a video on YouTube and share it with my audience on Twitter or Facebook I have curated that content.
If I create a Pinboard on Pinterest of various videos and blogs about music marketing again I have curated that content...
This sounds shady.... Is this even legal...
Yes! Of course, it is...
As long I share an Attribution link {URL of Video / Blog} from where that content originated. That is how all the curated news sites and curated social sites don't get in trouble...
Otherwise, sites like Digg, Mix, Flipboard, Buzzfeed, Pinterest ect wouldn't exist...
....And then a light bulb went
off in my head!
Rather than signing up to one of these news curation sites like or I wanted to create my own NEWS CURATION SITE.
Something that could control...
I took everything I did with Twitter Music Marketing Machines 2.0 and combined it with a website.
Effectively turning my blog into an automatic content creation machine.
That's what the Auto Blogger Method is.
It automatically curates content from the web.
Bringing fresh content to my blog to bring in traffic from all the social networking sites, Google and Bing.
But there was problem.
The majority of the content on these news sites was USER GENERATED CURATED CONTENT.
... I didn't have tons of users on any of my sites.
And it would take forever and too much hassle to deal with people signing up to my small blogs.
Nor was there any incentive out there for people to sign up and start sharing curated content on my blog...
And it would take an eternity for me to manually curate content every day....
So I had to come up with a plan on How To Automate The Content Curation...
I studied everything I could find about Site feeds and Content Syndication for like a month straight..
I put everything under a microscope so I could fully understand what was happening and WHY it worked.
and here was my ah ha moment!!
"It took a WHOLE lot of Trail and Error, but I
had finally Got it working like well Oiled Machine...."
"So I decided to use it on an old failed blog
I had lying around. I put all the pieces together
so that I could reap the traffic rewards."
...and BOOM!!
All I did was take everything I had done with my Twitter Music Marketing Machines 2.0 course and combined it with my own website...
I studied all the content curation sites out there...
I noticed that it worked 10x better if it was niche specific.
....and out of nowhere it started generating TARGETED traffic and leads...
It was like I had found an OIL WELL in my backyard...
And it only Gets Better..
So get this right...
I started to strategically ad Newsletter opt-in forms and pop up forms on all of these Auto Blogger websites. {Like this one}
I created them for specific niches like Hip Hop Music and Music Production...
And I also tried my hand at other non-music niches link Internet marketing, Crypto, Fitness ect. Just to test my marketing skills...
And it worked...
The RESULT?...
"Over 3,372 Leads"
and it continues to grow...
Here is the point to all of this...
"You Can Take
The Auto Blogger Method Course and all of the training, and Use It To Promote Your Content"
So you can start capturing leads for your beat selling business, promote your music, build a fanbase or build your social channels.
It DOSEN'T MATTER what niche you are in.
The system still works....
and it Can work for MANY types of niches...
Simply follow The Auto Blogger Method Step By Step and soon, you too could be generating leads and traffic for your projects.
Are You Ready To End Your
Traffic & Lead Generation Struggles?
Once & For All?
With The Auto Blogger Method 2.0 Course, you get over the shoulder training on how I build Auto Blogs with curated content from trusted sources like YouTube, Podcasts and Popular News Websites.
I show you case studies where collectively my Auto Blogs have generated Targeted Traffic, leads, subscribers, video viewers, product sales, ad revenue and affiliate sales.
The best thing about the course is that YOU DON'T HAVE TO START FROM SCRATCH.
I have done all the hard work for you.. SO you don't have to jump through 100's of YouTube video's or Plugins trying to make this work.
I take you by the hand and SHOW YOU step by step how to make a Curated Auto Blog that you can use to promote your content.
I also show you how to set up the lead capture, ads, lead generation, analytics, tracking tactics, thank you pages, pop up forms ect.
I go into so much detail in the course No stone is left unturned. I designed the framework to answer all of your questions, fears and worries.
Follow The Auto Blogger Method Step By Step and soon, you too could be generating leads and traffic for your projects.
The Auto Blogger Method
2.0 Course
Here is a preview of what you will Learn within the course modules.
Case Study Proof #1 Curated Music Production Blog
Google Search Analytics Data Last 180 Days
As you can see from The Google Analytics Data in just 180 days this one website has generated over 20k visits.
Everything on this blog is created on automatically using curated content.
All the traffic comes from Google search, bing, yahoo, and various social network sites.
This curated music production blog was a bit of an experiment.
The majority of the people that come to this website only want to watch videos and don't like large blocks of text.
This makes it much easier for The Auto Blogger Method to work since all the videos are curated Youtube videos, podcasts and Tutorials.
I created a much better site and content structure for SEO to work.
Here all the content on the website is placed into specific categories.
Search Console Data For Curated Music Production Blog

Email Subscribers Generated From Music Production
As you can see from my Aweber Dashboard [My Email Newsletter Software] email lists over 512 people have subscribed via email to this blog.
While I did create my own email Opt In Bribe using my own content, every piece of content on this website was generated from curated content.
Case Study Proof #2 Curated Music News Blog

Google Search Analytics Data Last 180 Days
As you can see from The Google Analytics Data in just 180 days this one website has generated over 22k visits.
This was The First Curated Auto Blog that I built and it worked perfectly.
I had tried several blog themes, plugins, CMS, and none worked precisely the way I wanted them to work.
Everything on this blog is curated content that specific to hip hop and the type of audience I wanted to attract.
Everything on this blog is created on automatically using curated content.
All the traffic comes from Google search, Bing, Yahoo, and various social network sites.
Google Search Console Data Last 28 Days
The is my secret traffic method, I have built several email lists using The Auto Blogger Method 2.0.
Because most of the content we end up curating is from Youtube, Google loves these video syndication sites as it keeps everything with the Google ecosystem.
Some of the Email Subscribers Generated From My Curated News Blog
As you can see from my Aweber Dashboard [My Email Newsletter Software] between 2 email lists over 934 people {876 + 58} have subscribed via email to this blog.
While I did create my own email Opt In Bribe using my own content, every piece of content on this website was generated from curated content.
Case Study Proof #3 Hip Hop Music Blog

This Auto Hip Hop Music Blog is straight forward curated content from Youtube, which is specific to hip hop music industry.
This included content that my main audience {Hip Hop Artists} would like.
There are also additional content sources from various music marketing and music marketing channels that I feel will provide my audience with the right content.
StatCounter Reports For The Last 6 Months
I just though that I might be a good idea to change it up. Here I show you my other analytics software called StatCounter.
Here is the traffic report for my Hip Hop Music Auto Blog for the last 6 months.
This bar chart displays a nice traffic growth curve both in page view numbers, unique visitors and even returning visitors.
Email Subscribers The After 2 Months

Many hip hop artists are intimidated by the idea of music marketing..
and maybe you feel the same way. Is it too complicated, too technical, too time consuming?
It's time to realise that this is massive advantage for you.
If you learn the simple techniques and use the resources that I give you, you will be far a head of the game.
So How Do You
Even Get Started?
The is my secret traffic method, I have built several email lists using The Auto Blogger Method.
Because most of the content we end up curating is from Youtube, Google loves these video syndication sites as it keeps everything with the Google ecosystem.
We aren't trying to build a massive brand with these blogs, nor are we trying to build long-lasting relationships with our visitors.
We make the links sending traffic from The Auto Blog to our main website, email opt-in forms, social media channels, YouTube Videos ect...
The Main Goals Of
The Auto Blogger Method
1. To Curate Content From Youtube / Blogs & Podcasts In Specific Niches
2. To Use That Curated Content To Syphon Traffic From Google, Search Engines & Social Networks
3. Build A Targeted Email List From This Traffic.
4. And Monetize The Sites With Products, Affiliate Links and Ads
You can monetize The Autoblogs with Affiliate Products and Adsense, but we need to focus more on selling our products and content.
This Auto Blog Method 2.0 requires a bit of work at the initial starting stage, but once it's set it will continue to work for you night and day.
Only if you set it up correctly like I have set it up in the course.
It’s so easy. You can be up and running with a LIVE Auto Blog and start generating traffic and leads in less than 1 day.
Set It Up And Forget It
That's All You Need To Do
I have done most of the grunt work for you...
You don't need to guess which plugins work or which themes will work...
You don't have to piece to get 100's YouTube videos.
I designed the training to Help You Step By Step so that you can watch me over the shoulder build a curated Auto Blog from the ground up.
“Follow This Simple Framework To Letter and
Once The Traffic Comes In, You'll Have Traffic
Generating Assets You Own & Control”
This Sounds Way Too
Good To Be True?
Frankly I Don't Blame You For Being A Little Bit Skeptical

But if you look at the case studies I have provided above, you will see that I drink my own KOOL-AID!
The reason I am so confident that The Auto Blogger Method 2.0 Works so well, is all down to the fact Some Of You that have landed on this very page, probably Came From ONE Of My Auto Blogs....
I understand that I am Over Delivering by 10x more than the value of the $47 cost price.
But I am pretty confident that if I provide you with all this great content at this tiny investment cost, you'll continue to purchase all of my courses in the future.
I understand that my information will help the NEXT MUSICIAN, blogger and content creator.
That if you succeed now, I'll have a customer for life....
You Might Be Thinking, That The Auto Blogger Method Course Would Be A Great
FREE Opt-in Bribe OR A FREE Lead Magnet To Offer Here Right Now! Right?
If I did offer the complete course for free, I am pretty confident that very few people wouldn't implement any of the strategies in the course.
More than likely it would grow digital dust on your hard drive or desktop only to be forgotten.
Wasting both my time and your time in the process.
The main reason I priced it at $47 is down to the fact that your investment shows your Dedication, Commitment and the Fulfilment of NOT ONLY to the course I designed, but to Your Own Success.
The fact that you are willing to INVEST $47 for The Auto Blogger Method 2.0 Course proves to me that you will carry out all of the Methods and Strategies in this course.
People like you are the best type of customer.
And I find it very rewarding to help people like you grow your own business. No matter what type of niche it's in...
You could be a YouTuber, Podcaster, Rapper, Singer, Beat Maker, a Band or a Content Creator.
It simply doesn't matter.
This system is proven to work for all types of businesses.
When You Get Your Copy Of
"The Auto Blogger Method"
Course ($199 Value}
You'll Get All Of These FREE gifts! {Value $221}
Bonus #1 -
Music Marketing Blueprint 2.0 eBook
If you're struggling to promote your music online and you are unsure of where to start, then you're in the right place.
Most musicians rely on digital assets and web pages that they don't own or control and it leaves them frustrated and overwhelmed.
The Music Marketing Blueprint 2.0 shows you over the shoulder how to promote your music the right way.
[Value $27 - Yours FREE!]

Bonus #2 -
Music Marketing Blueprint 2.0 Course
This is one of my flagship music marketing courses, where I provide you with 25 videos with tools and tips on how to put Twitter to work for you and your music.
Build A Real Twitter Following, Create Automation Systems With Twitter Tools and Promote Your Music.
This course is designed to help musicians remove mundane Twitter related tasks that don't lead to any results.
[Value $97 - Yours FREE!]
Bonus #3 -
My Instagram Hacks eBook / Video

The problem is that a lot of businesses just don’t understand Instagram.
They are still somehow too set in the old way of doing things, and don’t know how to leverage the unique advantages of Instagram to their advantage.
[Value $97 - Yours FREE!]
Remember This is a Limited OFFER at this current Price.
The Price Will Go Up Soon. Especially when we continue to add more and more content to the course.
Because other musicians will see that I have cracked this traffic formula, I am expecting a lot of people to jump on board.
Just think about setting up your very first Curated Auto Blog and watch all the traffic flood in.
What Would It Do For Your Music Promotion?
How Could It Help Your Content Promotion?
What Would Be The Impact If You Could Create An Email List With FREE Traffic from 1 Simple Curated Auto Blog?
All It Takes Is One
SIMPLE Curated Auto Blog
To Get Started.
Are You Ready?
Now is the perfect time to jump in....
Just fill out your contact information below, and let us know what stage you're currently at in your online business.
Then click either the credit card icons to pay with your credit or debit card, or select the PayPal icon if you'd rather pay with PayPal.
You might see another program or two of ours that you can choose to also add to your cart. I like to give our brand new users (people like you!) special deals on our other resources, but they're not required for getting the results you're after.
Once you're all set, click the big "Place Order Now" button. As soon as you do, you'll be taken immediately into your brand new account, where you'll be able to set everything up and be ready to start accepting orders in literally a few minutes!
You'll also be able to instantly access all of the free gifts right from inside your member's account, which makes it super easy to go through the training at the same time.
I'll see you on the inside! - Dan - The Corporatethief Beats
*Note: this offer is only available for a very limited time. Get your copy today, to ensure that you don’t miss out!
BURN // Hip Hop Artist
No Doubt These beat packages and the bonus video course are unbelievable"
MarjorieW // Singer Song Writer
Hi Dan ... You're amazing. I got everything. May God bless all of your business efforts!
3ek // Hip Hop Artist
"Im glad I found you,hardest producer I found on YouTube,respect"
Tony F // YouTuber // Rapper
"Great stuff Dan, one of the most informative and easy to follow videos I've come across on these subject. Thumbs up dude!"
Cash S. // Rapper / Song Writer
Yo TCB, listening to these beats I Love it.... U have given great advice over the years that has been really beneficial to me. As a producer and an artist, I thank you.
Big C // Rapper / Song Writer
"Big fan of yours man... downloaded your mixtape back in 2014 and liked your beats ever since

The Corporatethief Beats is the production alias used by Daniel Hartnett. Daniel is a hip hop music producer from Ireland. Over the last number of years I have taken my music production skills to another level by leasing my beats online while sharing my music marketing experience with my blog readers.
The main goal of blog is to be a resource site for Rap Artists and Beat Makers that are beginning with their music marketing journey online.
Our Content & Blogs Have Featured On

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Your Cost TODAY: Only $47!
*Note: this offer is only available for a very limited time.
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*Note: this offer is only available for a very limited time. Get your copy today, to ensure that you don’t miss out!
NOTE: This Course is NOT for Everyone...
Not everyone can create a high traffic site from their auto blog. Your results are not guaranteed and may vary niche to niche and effort applied. This training is only for those that are hard-working, realize that success does not come easy, and are willing to put in the work when problems arise. This training will, however, give you insight into how I was able to piece together a Curated Auto Blog.
Daniel Hartnett aka The Corporatethief Beats can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results, traffic or earn any money with his ideas, information, tools, or strategies.
Daniel Hartnett aka The Corporatethief Beats can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results, traffic or earn any money with his ideas, information, tools, or strategies
Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.
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