"If You Can Drag & Drop,
Then You Can Create Your Own Beat Selling Website That Works"
"You're About To Get Exclusive Access To A Proven System For Launching Your Own Beat Selling Website!"
"YES! This Is The Framework That I Have Used To Sell All Of Beats On My Website Since 2012"
(Total Value $199 - Right Now "$27") !!!
Daniel Hartnett aka The Corporatethief Beats
Dear Beat Maker
Hey, Dan here from The Corporatethief Beats and I just want to introduce you to something in which I call "The Perfect Beat Selling Website Framework".
This is the same framework I used to build my beat selling website and my sell hip hop beats.
But before you get started creating your beat selling website I just wanted to give you brief outline of my backstory and how and why I created my very first beat selling website website back in 2012.
Now this isn't the same website that build back in 2012, this is a site that I have worked on and perfected OVER 10 years.
The design has changed drastically but the FRAMEWORK has stayed the same.

This is where it all began...
Back in 2009 / 2010 I started making hip hop beats after friend introduced me into various Digital audio softwares. Because of my ear for music I took to beat making like a duck to water.....
I quickly became obsessed with making hip hop beats, and my friends where encouraging me to sell them online. This was all new too me....
I never thought that it was possible to sell my beats online and make some $$$.......
But as I dug deeper, something surprised me....
"I found other beat makers online making some real money selling hip hop beats to rappers, singers, YouTubers and advertisers!"
I quickly joined all of these beat sites even though I only had a couple of beats to sell.
There were a handful of these FREE beat sites at the time but I was already in....
I could see the chart systems on these beat sites and some beat makers were making $500 - $5000 a month selling beats....
and what happens next continued to amaze me....

"This new world of leasing beats online changed the direction of my life....

I looked at these beat websites with awe, just watching all the top beat makers selling their original beats and making bank!!
I started to tot up the amounts of some of the top 10 beat makers where making....
1 month I saw that a record had been broken where one beat maker in particular sold over 500 beat leases {in one month} at $25 a pop....
So he was making $12,500 a month selling beats YIKES!!!
and those underneath him on the charts were making $4,000… $2,000… $1,000…
After studying these stats and numbers for days and the ins and outs of these site, I knew I JUST HAD to learn how to do this...
I didn't really want to set up my own website...
But I knew that if someone who was JUST LIKE ME, could step on stage and in an HOUR make more money then I had made in a year…
"I needed to learn how to sell beats on these beat sites."
"whatever the cost was!!!"
I knew I was early to the game and that I wasn't going to make $12,500 a month right off the bat,like the chart topping beat makers...
But I Was convinced that I could make an extra $500 or maybe even an extra $12k a year..
Just Think About It! What Would
You Do To Learn All Of This?
There were a couple of problems....
I only had a handful of beats {20 at most}....
Plus, now I was Competing with Beat Makers that had established a presence on these beat sites..
Any way I pushed through and uploaded all my content, labeld everything and set my prices....
"I Set Up My Profiles and Uploaded My Beats On All Of These Beat Sites....
I was a bit worried...
But I was pretty confident that I could just make a fraction of what I had saw earlier...I knew the beats I made were good so I was pretty excited....
Without knowing anything about marketing, traffic generation , lead generation, I was convinced that this couldn't be THAT hard… right?
From the outside it didn't look like the other beat makers on these sites weren't doing anything special.
All they where doing was uploading their beats and crossing their fingers right?
I felt that that my beats where just as good as the other beat makers. {If Not Better :-)} and once beat buyers listen to my beats...
.....they would fly off the selves right?
"And then it happened… My Worst Nightmare Came True...
And it much got worse from there... I continued to upload more and more beats every month....
but NOBODY purchased any beats
NOBODY commented on any of my beats.
and very little TRAFFIC was coming to my page on these beat sites..
I got really disheartened by this....
And questioned my ability as beat maker...
I really didn't understand what was going on... At this point I had a pretty decent library of quality beats..
I didn’t get it…why would they buy from all the other beat makers, but not me? I went over and over it again in my mind...

Did I Miss Something
Are My Beats Really That Horrible?
Am I Even Creating Beats That People Want?
"Maybe Selling Beats Online Isn't For Me"
I spend the next year understanding what had gone wrong why I wasn't selling any beats on these sites.
Something clicked with me as I learned more about marketing and music promotion online.
It was finally clear what a MASSIVE MISTAKE I had made when selling beats on all of the so called beat sites...
The majority of beats sites only give you 1 Page on their website.
And 99% of the time only give you a subdomain which is an extension of their website.
With sites like these you will never have complete control over your website. And they can remove you from their platform as they see fit.

I had no control over these sites. I started to understand that these sites weren't my business.
The reality was... They were someone else's business and they were profiting from my hard work.
They had the power shut my account down anytime. And the subscription prices and the commission taken from these sites changed drastically.
Overtime I found that these website pages couldn't carry out more complex tasks like tracking sales and analytics.
I found it increasingly difficult to separate my brand from the thousands of other artists and beatmakers on these sites.
Advertising got out of control on these websites which affected my brand and distracted the fans I was sending to my page.
Some of these sites like Myspace just became redundant over time.
"These Sites Were Able To Change My Page design or monetise My Page with Ads."

I was just blindly sending traffic with no way of tracking if I was going to make a sale or obtain a subscriber, fan or follower.
I purchased ads on Facebook, Google, YouTube and other social media sites directing it to a site I didn't own or control.
All of my traffic could easily click on the profiles of other competing beat makers....
Meanwhile these websites were profiting from me, my hard work, my music and now my audience.

So many musicians online place their whole music career in complete control of a company they don’t own or control.
Companies like Facebook, Myspace, Soundcloud, Soundclick, Bandcamp and various music distribution sites.
While I agree that every musician out there should use social sites in their overall music promotional strategy, it is vital to your success that you build your website in which you control.
I see hundreds of beat makers today doing the same thing. Sending all of their fans to a little page on beat site they own or control.
"I knew That I had To Build My Own Beat Selling Website"
"One That I Could Own & Control"
Again I was worried... I wasn't any good with web design or web coding.....
I finally came to my senses, and eventually decided to give it another shot.
and in 2012 I had created my very first website.

Overtime I got pretty decent with web creation, Wordpress and music promotion. And if you look at the site we have today you can see my progress....

"I now had my platform to sell my beats, my sounds, my courses, sell ad space, write blogs and courses."

Over the next few years... I started to generate sales with my beats, my blogs, my sounds, my courses and affiliate marketing...
"But then something changed for me…Other Up and Coming Beat Makers Where Asking For Help?"
I used to get questions from them all the time via email asking...
How did you build your site?
What hosting are you using?
What beat player should I use?
How do you link Paypal and Stripe with your website?
What type of page builder are you using?
and I thought great.
I have a skill and the knowledge to help the next person on the way up.
But I didn't want to email people individually everyday...
I wanted to help...
But I just needed a better way of compiling all my information so that they could learn from my information and experience.
"the big problem...."
When It Comes To Starting A Beat Website...
Most Of Us Don't Know How To Get Started Or Where To Start.
We Need A System That Doesn't Require Us To Come Up With The Whole Thing From Scratch.
"We Need A Way To Fill In The Blanks.
A Simple Framework To Follow Step By Step"
So Over The Last Few Years I Gathered Over 30+ Videos Showing You Over The Shoulder How To Create A Beat Selling Website.
So you could make simple Beat Selling Websites Sites like this.....

and start selling beats like this

"If You Can Drag & Drop
You Can Create A beat Selling
Website That wORKS!!!"
If you are STRUGGLING to sell beats on web pages that you don't own like Soundcloud, Soundclick, Rocbattle and Instagram this course is PERFECT for you!
Back in the day it was alot harder to build a site and costs were a lot higher...
But today you can start with a tiny fraction of a budget... But today I wanted to make you a VERY SPECIAL OFFER......
I want to give you the entire Video Course AND Trainings to show you HOW to Build Your Very Own Beat Selling Website and you only......
"Why $27?"
Warning This offer is subject to change and minimum will apply...
Yes... for about the price Beer, you can get access to a my Beat Selling Website Framework that took me years to perfect.
"YES ! Give Me Instant Access To The Beat Selling Website Framework And Training RIGHT NOW"
[$199/ Total value] Your Price Today
"Pay What You Can"
"It Doesn't Matter If You Have No eXPERIENCE Creating Websites!"
This Framework Can Help Anyone Create A Beat Site Regardless Of Their Level Of Experience....
You Need To A SIMPLE System On How To Create Your Own Beat Site......
"How Do I Know This Is For Real?"
Here's What People Say About The Corporatethief Beats
BURN // Hip Hop Artist
No Doubt These beat packages and the bonus video course are unbelievable"
MarjorieW // Singer Song Writer
Hi Dan ... You're amazing. I got everything. May God bless all of your business efforts!
3ek // Hip Hop Artist
"Im glad I found you,hardest producer I found on YouTube,respect"
Tony F // YouTuber // Rapper
"Great stuff Dan, one of the most informative and easy to follow videos I've come across on these subject. Thumbs up dude!"
Cash S. // Rapper / Song Writer
Yo TCB, listening to these beats I Love it.... U have given great advice over the years that has been really beneficial to me. As a producer and an artist, I thank you.
Big C // Rapper / Song Writer
"Big fan of yours man... downloaded your mixtape back in 2014 and liked your beats ever since

"When You Get Your Copy Of "beat Selling Website Framework"
Course ($199 Value}
(Now Pay What You Can)
You'll Get All Of These FREE gifts!
{Value $318}
Bonus #1 -
Music Marketing Blueprint 2.0 eBook
If you're struggling to promote your music online and you are unsure of where to start, then you're in the right place.
Most musicians rely on digital assets and web pages that they don't own or control and it leaves them frustrated and overwhelmed. The Music Marketing Blueprint 2.0 shows you over the shoulder how to promote your music the right way.
[Value $27 - Yours FREE!]

Bonus #2 -
Twitter Music Marketing Machines 2.0 Video Course
Bonus #3 -
Instagram Hack eBook & Video Course

The problem is that a lot of businesses just don’t understand Instagram. They are still somehow too set in the old way of doing things, and don’t know how to leverage the unique advantages of Instagram to their advantage.
[Value $97 - Yours FREE!]
Bonus #4 - Your First 1 Million Views
{YouTube Video Course By Carlin Hines}
Want to Grow Extremely Fast on YouTube? I've created a course guiding you through the steps of earning your First Million Views.
You Will Learn How to:
- Gain Your First 10,000 Subscribers
- Gain Your First 1,000,000 Views
- Earn Real Money on YouTube
- Tap into the Infinite Gold Rush of Views
- Key Performance Indicators of YouTube
[Normally $97 - Yours FREE!]
The Corporatethief Beats is the production alias used by Daniel Hartnett. Daniel is a hip hop music producer from Ireland. Over the last number of years I have taken my music production skills to another level by leasing my beats online while sharing my music marketing experience with my blog readers.
The main goal of thecorporatethiefbeats.com blog is to be a resource site for Rap Artists and Beat Makers that are beginning with their music marketing journey online.
After some time creating hip hop beats I enrolled in the Galway Technical Institute to study Music Technology. Once I finished this course, I moved to Dublin to attend The Academy of Sound to study music production and sound engineering.
Here I learned how to work in a studio, using Logic Pro / Pro Tools and analog equipment. In 2015 I Completed a 4 year Higher Diploma at The Academy of Sound Dublin.
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To get instant access to the course just fill out the form below when it appears. After your purchase is complete, you'll be given access to our Members Area where the entire beat pack and all the bonuses will be instantly available. I'll see you inside!
Need help signing up? Email Dan@thecorporatethiefbeats.com
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Does It Take To Get Access?
What If I Am Not Good With Web Coding?
Is This A Monthly Subscription ?
Why Such A Short Limited Time Only Period?
Do I Need Lots Of Tools?
How Big Is This Download File?
How Do I Get Beat Buyers To My Beat Site?
Can I Sell My Sound Kits Using This Site?
You might be think that I have lost my mind to give all of this content away with a Pay What You Can Pricing Model.
I understand that there are some shady sites out that give you a FREE TRAIL and you end up getting charged every month.....
This isn't one of them.
So you might be wondering why am I doing this....
The Beat Selling
Website Framework
Video Course
Here's All You Need To Do Now...
Just fill out your contact information below, and let us know what stage you're currently at in your online business.
Then click either the credit card icons to pay with your credit or debit card, or select the PayPal icon if you'd rather pay with PayPal.
You might see another program or two of ours that you can choose to also add to your cart as well. I like to give our brand new users (people like you!) special deals on our other resources, but they're definitely not required for getting the results you're after.
Once you're all set, click the big blue "Place Order Now" button. As soon as you do, you'll be taken immediately into your brand new SamCart account, where you'll be able to set everything up and be ready to start accepting orders in literally a few minutes!
You'll also be able to instantly access all of the free gifts right from inside your members account, which makes it super easy to build your pages and go through the trainings at the same time.
I'll see you on the inside! - Dan - The Corporatethief Beats
[ $517/ total value]
(Today just $27)
*Note: this offer is only available for a very limited time. Get your copy today, to ensure that you don’t miss out!
Your purchase is risk-free thanks to our 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Secure, fully encrypted payment, to ensure your data privacy and online safety.
Pay with convenience using Visa, MasterCard, American Express or your PayPal account.

To get instant access just fill out the form below when it appears. After your purchase is complete, you'll be given access to our Private Members Area where the entire pack and all the bonuses will be instantly available. I'll see you inside!
Need help signing up? Email Dan@thecorporatethiefbeats.com
Don’t wait! Look at what People have to say about
The Corporatethief Beats

Sibonelo Zulu // Rapper /
Rap Artist
Dan you are one of the best ever, I have used one of your beats and I would love for you to hear what I have done to it. thanks... Sibonelo..
Singer / YouTuber
I love it...These beats Are impeccable man, could definitely see myself on it. You're very skilled bro. I'm a rapper btw, thank you :)
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